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Sunday, October 21, 2012

Cousin Time

Big news for the Lee Kids,

Aunt Wellon and Uncle Stephen are moving to Birmingham.
 Which means the Lee Kids get to have Cousin Time
 a lot more often!
 In fact, Chloe and Fitz are even going to Miller and Sara Wells's school,
with a big possibility that either Fitz or Chloe will be in the same class as Sara Wells!
 Even though they only live in Tuscaloosa and they do come to Cahaba Park for church,

 we do not get to spend nearly as much time with just 
 and Chloe
 as we would like!!!

Needless to say,
 everyone is excited about the big move!

1 comment:

  1. Talk about a post to warm your heart!!! What great pictures and great reasons to celebrate! Yahoo for cousin time!
