I think this may be one of my favorite pictures. One, it just captures Miller to the T! And two, I love how somehow I miraculously caught the very first splash in a very smooth lake.

This week looks a little different than we thought it was going to. We were supposed to spend the week at the beach, but with the threat (which that turned out to be all it really was where we were going) of Tropical Storm Debbie, we decided to stay at the lake. We decided it made more sense to stay where we knew the weather was beautiful than take a chance of being stuck inside for days with three very stir crazy kids. So, we will save the beach trip for next summer. But, I think so far we have made some pretty good family memories.
It does not get much cuter than this, a little boy and his dog fishing.
No fish were caught. It is probably a good thing. I don't know if Miller could have handled Sage's
reaction to seeing a fish pop up out of the water in the net.
Sara Wells is now swimming like a fish (even without her float).
And let me tell you, she knows she is a big girl and hot stuff!
We found a new rope swing.
Ella and Miller thought it was the coolest thing to watch their Daddy swing out over the water!
Miller was the brave one this time. Climbing high up the tree
and swinging out over the water (I could not snap the picture fast enough).
Ella was not quite as sure about the height,
but she did not let that stop her from loving the rope swing!
Miller's favorite new skill that he has gained this week is driving the boat. These pictures are not posed, he drove (and continues to drive) us around the lake.
And he loves it!!!
We will leave the docking (and driving when there is another boat within a 1/2 mile of us) to Murray, but give Miller open water, and he is H-A-P-P-Y!
I hope y'all are enjoying your summer!