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Friday, September 19, 2008

Miller's On the Move

Well, it has finally happened. Miller is mobile! It has definitely changed things here. It is amazing how fast he has gotten in 10 days! He can move!

Whitney, these are for you!
Whitney sent Miller this lion when he was born and he loves it! Miller definitely loves his animals. When we lay him down in bed the first thing he does is reach for his "aminals" (as Ella says) and it is almost always his lion! It is about the cutest thing. This is how Miller looks every time I put him to bed and when I go in to get him up.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Stickers from Granna

Dinner preparations have gotten a little stressful in the Lee Household. It has only been about 3 weeks Miller has dropped his late afternoon (5:00) nap. The routine used to be that I would put him down, fix dinner, get him up around 6:15 and we would eat dinner. Oh, I miss those days! Miller is sooooo sweet. But, he loves to be held! When he is not held and he wants to be held, he is not quite as sweet. Of course, around 4:30 or 5:00 when it is time to start dinner is when Miller is determined to be held. Which I cannot do if I am going to get anything done. The past week he has been in the hop n pop crying the entire time I fix dinner. Which maybe I could persevere through that if Ella was not whining and pulling on my leg the entire time!

So, yesterday I was determined things were going to be different.

The first situation I was going to try to make better was Ella. Ella has never been one to play with toys. She would much rather just be with me or Murray which when we are doing something and cannot give her our full attention she usually gets very frustrated. The one thing that can keep her attention for a little while with out us being right there is art. Ella loves to do any kind of art, stickers, painting, markers, drawing.... I needed something that Ella needed a little less supervision on because the other night while she was drawing with her markers, I looked over and saw that she had colored all over her white dress with brown marker! Thank goodness for washable crayola! All the marker came out. Her dress would have been a great commercial for their markers. So, yesterday when we were in Michael's I bought her some child (very dull) scissors and some foam stickers (a small bag). Ella has been very fascinated lately when I use the scissors so I thought this might hold her attention. And stickers always keep her busy for at least 3 or 4 minutes. Evidently my mom and I were on the same wavelength. When we got home yesterday there was a package at the front door from Granna. When we opened the package it was full of all sorts of fun "art" things including one of the big boxes of foam stickers. Ella was so excited and so was I because I knew between those stickers and her scissors, Ella would stay busy for awhile.

All day I had been planning to get as much done as possible for dinner during nap time to eliminate as much crying as possible and keep a little sanity. This in itself was a big sacrifice for me because that is the only hour and a half I have to get anything done that I want to. But I figured the sacrifice was worth it in the long run. So, I get both kids down for their nap and head to the kitchen to start the chicken and realize that I forgot to take the chicken out of the freezer! There went my great plan! I was able to get the chicken thawed and cooked before Miller woke up which was huge, but I still had about 30 minutes prep time.

When I realized that my great plan of not having much to do when the kids were awake was destroyed, I definitely opted for the big box of sticker over my small puny bag. I knew at least Ella would be happy. So, after nap time we all sit down and play together in the kitchen. I taught Ella how to use the scissors and we played with some of the stickers. Miller was happy, Ella was busy, it was time for me to make my break while things were good. Miller lasted a few minutes before the crying started, but I was determined not to be distracted, I was on a mission and I was going to get dinner fixed as quickly as possible. It has been about 5 or 10 minutes and I realized I had not heard anything from Ella for awhile which was very unusual. I looked over and saw this...

Ella had dumped out the entire box! I laughed and took a picture. Then told Ella she did not need to have all the stickers out at once and needed to start putting the stickers back in the box. And for some reason I thought she could do this unsupervised (I am in the same room). So, again I get back to cooking! My attention is focused on getting the job done, which I did in record time I think. But at the same time I realize once again that amidst all the crying, I have not heard anything from Ella. I look over and see her attempt at cleaning up.

Oh, what a night! Poor Miller though, he still was not too happy with me. At least I laughed, Ella had fun and the enchiladas were good!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


I cannot believe it has taken me so long to write this post. I started writing in on the one year anniversary of Cahaba Park's first worship service. I am finishing a few days later. So, you can imagine all the emotions, memories and thoughts that are swarming in my head.

This past Sunday night was a very big night for Cahaba Park Church. Just two days shy of our one year anniversary, the church had its Particularization Service. Because Cahaba Park Church was a daughter church of Covenant Presbyterian, Cahaba Park has been under the authority and leadership of Covenant. When a church "particularizes", the church becomes its own self-governing body. It is amazing that in one year the Lord has brought together and congregation (where there was none before), raised up leaders and established the church in such a way that we are able to become our own. It is amazing to look back and see what all the Lord has done in just one year! I am leading a Bible Study on Deuteronomy starting in a few weeks and I have been doing some preparations these past few weeks. In Deuteronomy we see that one of the main reasons the Israelites fell into sin over and over again is because they failed to remember all the Lord had done for them. They did not remember that he always went before them and made their way possible. May September 7, 2008 be a day that Cahaba Park Church never forgets! I pray that we will always remember how faithful God has been in the past and know that he will always be faithful in the future!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Saturday Uniforms

With Fall comes Football and with Football comes our Saturday uniforms. One of my friends made these t-shirts for Ella and Miller. She just started her t-shirt lineBaisu Children's Clothing. Her t-shirts are too cute!

Now, all you Tennessee fans out there don't worry, my blood still runs orange. Ella does have a Tennessee cheerleader uniform, which she will wear! But, it is hard with a split family and since Daddy did play football he tends to win out on most Saturdays.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

New Beginnings

September always seems to be a time of new beginnings for me, getting back into the grove of fall. This September brought new beginnings in the Lee Household.
Miller is now 8 months old! My how time flies!

Not quite crawling, but close

Today was Ella's first day of Preschool!

Ella had a blast today! When I picked Ella up I asked,
Mommy: "Ella what did you do today?"
Ella: "I did PRESCHOOL!!!"
She definitely felt like a big girl.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

This year for Mother's Day Murray gave me a trip to Boston to visit my roommate from college and dear dear friendWhitney. I know it is a little after Mother's Day, but I just cashed in my trip. Carey (whose sweet husband did the same for her) and I headed out Thursday afternoon and Kitty joined us Friday night. I cannot say enough how great hosts Whitney and Will were. We had the most wonderful time! Now that I am home, looking at my pictures, I realize I did a terrible job of taking pictures which is really annoying for two reasons. One, I do not have any good pictures and two because I definitely lugged my camera all over Boston for apparently no reason!
Quick run-down of events...
Friday Whitney had to work so Carey and I explored Brookline (Whitney's neighborhood). I am including this picture from lunch because I had this meal in honor of Murray. This was apparently a very popular brunch/lunch place with very interesting sandwiches. If you look closely you can see my awesome sandwich. I got the Raphel Sandwich. Ingredients: Slow roasted Turkey, Mashed Potatoes, Stuffing and two slices of Bread. Murray, I know you are smiling with pride right now.

Friday night we picked up Kitty at the airport and headed to Finale for dessert (you will notice a theme for the weekend, EATING).
Saturday we went shopping on the famous Newbery Street. Cute shop after cute shop. Saturday we went to Pomodoro. The best meal!!! Whitney and Will are friends with the owner and they just kept bringing us food! Oh, it was too good for words!

Sunday we took a famous Duck Tour. On the plane a Boston native said, "You aren't going to do anything cheesy like a Duck Tour are you?" My response, "Of Course! and I am super pumped about it!!!" It was all I hoped for and more! Here is a picture of our lovely Duck.

We then did more walking and shopping and Saturday night we went to The North End (Italian District) and ate more great food. We did walk a lot, but I do not think it came anywhere close to make up for all the eating that we did!
Monday morning Whitney fixed us our farewell breakfast quiche and we headed to the airport. Thank you Whitney and Will!