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Saturday, October 24, 2009

Fashion Tips from the Lee Children

If anyone was wondering what the next fashion trends might be, Ella and Miller have some ideas. Here is what happens when they dress themselves...

The Bob

Ella got her first hair cut at the Beauty Salon on Thursday. As we were on the way I realized that I forgot the camera. So, sadly there are no pictures of her in the chair. But she loved every minute of it! And she loved her haircut! She looks so stylish with her cute little bob that is stacked in the back. These were the best pictures I could get of the haircut.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Cowboy Boots Take Two

After much searching, I was so disappointed to have to take Miller's newly purchased cowboy boots back to the store. I just took them back yesterday, but every time I passed them on the entry hall table waiting to go back to the store I was so sad at the thought of Miller not having cowboy boots. Just when I had given up hope one of our friends from church remembered me talking about my search for cowboy boots and gave me her son's old boots that were hardly ever worn! And Miller loves them! Thank you Tiffany!

In the words of Murray...

The kids have now accepted Bear Bryant into their heart.