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Friday, December 16, 2011

Microwave Toffee

Today was the kid's last day of school.  That really does not make a big difference in the Lee House since Miller has been home since before Thanksgiving and Ella has been home all week recovering from her tonsillectomy (which she has done great!!!).  But, of course the month that Miller is not in school I am the room mom!  Which means I am in charge of the class party.  Knowing how much Miller missed his friends and teachers, Murray and I decided it would be ok for Miller to go for the 30 minutes of his party.  I will say, I have not seen him that excited in a long time!  And since Ella has been doing so great, and woke up feeling good this morning, we decided she could handle going to her class party too.  

I don't know about your house, but at our house the last day of school means teacher treats!  Yesterday we were busy little bees in the kitchen (preparing teacher treats and getting ready for our staff christmas party last night).  I meant to share this recipe (and I have one more to share that is quick and soooo yummy) about a week ago, but between wrapping presents, a clogged sink, no washing machine and tonsils coming out I am just a little behind. Most of your kids probably have a few days of school left, so I might not be too late.  But this is also a perfect hostess gift, thank you gift or, lets be honest, a nice little treat for yourself.  

Microwave Toffee!

You are going to love me for this recipe!!!

What you need:
a glass (microwave safe) bowl
3/4 cup finely chopped nuts, divided (pecans, walnuts, peanuts or almonds)
1/2 cup butter
1 cup sugar
1/4 cup water
1 cup milk chocolate morsels

Spread nuts (I used walnuts on this batch, I prefer walnuts or pecans) on a small cookie sheet and toast in oven at 350 degrees.  You will know when they are done because you will start to smell them and they will turn golden brown.
Place 1/2 cup of the nuts on a piece of aluminum foil (you could use a cookie sheet or round cake pan, but then you would have to wash them) in about a 9 inch circle.
Butter the top of the glass bowl.
Place the butter, sugar and water in the bowl.  Do not stir.
Put the bowl in the microwave on high for 7 to 8 minutes (I usually take out and give one or two good stirs about half way through).  You want the butter mixture to be a light brown color, like below.  Once it starts to turn a color, it goes very fast.  So you definitely need to be close to the microwave and around 6 1/2 minutes be watching closely!
Immediately pour the butter mixture over the nuts.  
Then sprinkle the chocolate chips over the butter mixture.
Let the chocolate chips sit on the hot toffee for about a minute.  They will not look like they have melted, but they have.  Spread the chocolate chips to cover the toffee.
Sprinkle the remaining 1/4 cup of nuts over the chocolate.
Chill until firm.
Break into pieces and store in airtight container.
Or place in a festive gift bag for Christmas treat.

One recipe makes enough for two gifts.  Or one gift and some left over for yourself:)

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