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Thursday, October 28, 2010

You might be a redneck if...

You teach your kids that it is way more fun playing in a trailer than on the swing set or riding bikes.  Who knew a trailer could be so much fun?

I think because of our long summer inside due to the hot, hot, hot summer we have been spending lots and lots of time outside.  Much of that time has been spent with me holding Sara Wells because we did not really have anything for her to play with/in yet.  Thank you to our next door neighbors, Sara Wells now has her own walker for playing in the driveway.  And she loves it!!!  She was so proud of herself walking all over the driveway!
Sara Wells enjoyed her first popsicle today.  I am pretty sure that neither Ella or Miller had a popsicle at 9 months.  Oh to be the baby!  I think Sara Wells ate her popsicle faster than Miller.
We all know that Miller is slightly obsessed with Buzz Lightyear and pretty much anything Toy Story.  Of course he is going to be Buzz for Halloween.  On Mondays it is just Miller and me and I like to try to do something fun when it is just us.  I remembered one of my friends got her little boy Buzz wings several years ago at Party City and thought how much Miller would love to have his own wings.  I did not know how good my chances were that they would still carry the blow up wings, but it was worth a try.  Obviously, they still carry the wings!  Miller now does not go many places without his wings.

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog....I feel like I am reliving all of those "raising tears" with my much fun! Much love to you, Jane
