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Thursday, December 6, 2012

Christmast Decorations

It is amazing what you can make with ...

paper plates...

tissue paper...
and sequins...

and a little bit quirky
Christmas decorations.

Now, I am not going to lie, it is easy, but a little bit time consuming if you are doing more than one.

But the end result is definitely worth it!  

Glue paper plates into cones.  Actually stapling would be much faster.  One of the Lee kids had a little bit of fun with my stapler the other day and when I tried to staple the plates, it was empty:(  So, I had to use the next best thing, my glue gun.  Oh, what would I do without my glue gun???

Put one cone inside the other.  (You may have to trim the bottom to make the trees stand up straight)

Fold the tissue paper and slightly twist (you are just going for texture).

Then start gluing (elmer's glue) the tissue paper around the cones.  Then glue and glue and glue.  This is how I got all of my nervous energy out during the Alabama vs. Georgia game!

Now I am going to be completely honest with you...

When I first started this project, I thought it would be a great project to do with the kids.  

They love all holiday decorations.  

And they LOVE to make decorations!  

So I thought this would be the perfect project to do together.  

But once I started, my control freak nature erupted and I was more worried about white spots peeking through the tissue paper than enjoying time getting ready for Christmas with the kids!

But after begging and begging and begging, I finally realized how CRAZY I was being.  Sometimes it takes and 6 and 4 year old to bring me to my senses.  

They finally convinced me to let them help... 
(with just a little instruction)
Of course, they had a blast!
And you know what, theirs were actually better than mine!
Did you catch Miller's tree earlier in this post?

Only Miller would find googly eyes and insist on adding them to his tree!
Oh man, I love that little guy (Miller, not the christmas tree)!

Every night at dinner he sets his tree in front of himself since he is the "birthday boy."

So now every night when we sit down for dinner instead of looking at these cute table decorations I made, my heart smiles as I think of the fun we had together making these fun little Christmas trees.

As a mom, it is sometimes easy to get side tracked and forget what is really the important thing.  In those times in my life God usually gently nudges me and reminds me what is really important.  And more often than I really want to admit, those gentle nudges come from a 6, 4 or 2 year old :)

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