I know this is 4 days late, but it is only 4 days, plenty of time to catch up!
Over the weekend, I was perusing Pintrest looking for a craft for Miller and Ella's school Christmas Parties. While browsing, I saw The Jesus Storybook Bible Advent Reading pinned over and over again.
But first, if you do not own The Jesus Storybook Bible, you need to go to amazon right now and buy it! It is the best children's Bible out!
The illustrations will immediately catch the attention of your children, filling them with anticipation to see what is on the next page.
But what will draw your children in (and you!) is the wonderful way in which Sally Lloyd-Jones articulates the gospel in every single story, reminding us how every single story in the bible points to the love of God and the work that Jesus did to rescue his children on the cross.
If you do not own this book, stop what you are doing, and go buy it HERE!
Even if you do not have children or grandchildren or nieces or nephews or neighbors to read this to, buy this for yourself! Many nights Murray and I do not finish reading without tears on our cheeks. In every story, you are reminded what a great love story we are involved in. One in which we deserve nothing and yet God sacrificed everything to bring us back to himself.
In the introduction to the Story, we are reminded that the whole Bible is about this very special baby.
The baby that we are celebrating this season!
This Advent Reading Plan is in a lot of different places, you may already have it. But just in case you do not have it, I have included it in this post. I believe with all my heart that using the Jesus Storybook Bible for your Advent reading will greatly deepen the meaning and understanding of Christmas for your entire family!
Day 1: The Story and the Song
Day 2: The Beginning: A Perfect Home
Day 3: The Terrible Lie
Day 4: A New Beginning
Day 5: A Giant Staircase to Heaven
Day 6: Son of Laughter
Day 7: The Present
Day 8: The Girl No One Wanted
Day 9: The Forgiving Prince
Day 10: God to the Rescue
Day 11: God Makes a Way
Day 12: Ten Ways to Be Perfect
Day 13: The Warrior Leader
Day 14: The Teeny, Weenie...True King
Day 15: The Young Hero and the Horrible Giant
Day 16: The Good Shepherd
Day 17: A Little Servant Girl and the Proud General
Day 18: Operation "No More Tears!"
Day 19: Daniel and the Scary Sleepover
Day 20: God's Messenger
Dec 21: Get Ready!
Dec 22: He's Here
Dec 23: The Light of the Whole World
Dec 24: The King of All Kings
Oh, how we love the JSSB! I'm with you -- the stories get me crying :) What a great advent reading list!