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Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Still Waiting...

Well we are still in the hospital. Miller just seems to really like getting extra oxygen. The doctors say we still just have to wait. So we are waiting.

The first week we were here all Miller did was sleep and eat (sometimes while still asleep). He has started to stay awake more in the past two days and I feel like I am just getting to know him. A few things I have learned about Miller after spending all day with him in a hospital room...

1. Miller loves to be sung to. Even if he is alseep, his face lights up.
2. Miller is extremely expressive! I just watch him and laugh at all the different faces he makes in just a few minutes.
3. Miller snorts (yes, like a pig) when he gets really hungry. Now, this could be due to the fact that he has tubes in his nose, but it is hilarious! He really started snorting yesterday. Needless to say, he is not having any problems eating.
4. Miller's favorite way to be held is resting against my chest. He usually falls asleep within a few minutes.
5. Miller is still a great sleeper at night! We have had a few rough nights, but I think that was more to the albuterol in his breathing treatments. I am hoping that his sleeping stays great at night as he continues to get better and wake up more.
6. Miller hates to have a dirty diaper! And he dirties his diaper all the time!
7. Miller is very smart; it only took about a day to figure out how to get the tubes out of his nose.

This is just some of Miller's little personality that is starting to come out.


  1. glad that miller is getting better, but sorry that y'all have been stuck in the hospital for a week!! thanks for the updates, and we'll continue to keep your sweet baby boy in our prayers.


  2. hang in there. i am glad things are still going well. hopefully you will be home soon. i will try to call you wednesday.

  3. i'm glad things are still going well. we are still praying for you guys and i can not wait to see you and baby miller!!!
