I have not posted about sewing projects in a long time. Mainly, because I have not been doing much sewing lately. Life is very full and busy, and sewing seems to always take the back seat. But there are a few projects from this past year that I do love and had so much fun making. A few I had forgotten about until I looked back through my pictures. So, here are my top favorites going through the year.
1. First up, the girls' Valentine's Outfit from last year. I usually do not sew clothes for holidays because I hate to put all that work into something that they can only wear for a short amount of time. Hearts though can be worn any time. It is hard to tell, but they are a super soft knit pink and white paisley. As you can see, both girls were thrilled about posing for a picture.

1. First up, the girls' Valentine's Outfit from last year. I usually do not sew clothes for holidays because I hate to put all that work into something that they can only wear for a short amount of time. Hearts though can be worn any time. It is hard to tell, but they are a super soft knit pink and white paisley. As you can see, both girls were thrilled about posing for a picture.
2. This is one of the outfits I forgot about, which I cannot believe! It was one of my all time favorites! I made it for Sara Wells's friend Bradford, 'Baby B'. I wish I could make something for all birthdays and all baby showers, but that simply just does not happen. So, when I have the time and get to make something for a gift I get really excited. As soon as I finished this outfit, I made a promise to myself I would make Sara Wells one. But of course I never did. Maybe I will get around to it this spring.
3. This outfit was my first real try at shirring (sewing with elastic thread). I had actually intended on putting together a little tutorial, but I never got to posting it. I made Ella a sundress, which was cute, but I thought this bubble was soooo cute. Do not be intimidated by trying this sewing technique! It is far easier than you might imagine.
4. I knew when I made this outfit for Miller it would be his favorite outfit. He picked the fabric out last summer and literally asked me everyday if I had made his Robot pants yet. I am not exaggerating, every day he would ask me if I had made his Robot pants and every day I would answer telling him I was going to make them when it got cold outside. Evidently my answer was not adequate, because he kept asking and asking and asking. So, I knew for sure when I finally made them, he would be thrilled. Boy was I wrong! He has worn this outfit maybe three or four times, every time with me demanding it must be worn. He may not like it, but I think it is pretty cute!
For the t-shirt I embroidered a blown up version of one of the Robots onto a brown corduroy patch.
5. And last, but definitely not least, is the outfit I made Ella for Christmas. Ella is almost always more excited about getting clothes than toys. So, I decided to make her this t-shirt and skirt that I have been wanting to make for a very long time. I think I have had the fabric and t-shirt since September, but just had not had the time to make it. I wish I had better pictures for you to see the rainbow and the skirt. The rainbow is just made out of 5 different colors of scrap fabric.
The skirt is flat on the front and has a three tiered ruffle in the back. As you can tell from these pictures, Ella loves it just as much as I do. Which of course makes me even more happy because it is very hit and miss these days whether or not she is going to like what I make her (even if she has already approved it before I make it). So, I love that she loves it!I love seeing what other people have made. It gives me motivation and gets my creative juices going. Hopefully these pictures will do the same for you! May 2012 be filled with fun sewing projects that make you smile:)
***Can you believe how much Ella has changed from February to December? Part of it is her long hair now, but I think she has grown three inches. She looks so little in that first picture and like a 16 year old in the first picture of the rainbow t-shirt!
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